Our aim has always been to provide a first class education for every Abbey Gate College pupil.
Over the last 40 years the provision of bursary places has transformed lives, enabling pupils from all backgrounds to follow their dreams and become the person they want to be.
The Abbey Gate College Bursary Fund provides children with the opportunity to realise their individual potential through an outstanding education, regardless of financial circumstances.
We are committed to providing more bursary places so that we can continue to offer the best education to as wide a range of pupils within our community as possible.
We hope that you will join us in achieving our ambition. All gifts, whatever their size, will make a difference.
Ways to Give
Should you wish to join us in supporting Abbey Gate College an account has been set up with CAF, Charities Aid Foundation, as the platform for payments and so that you can set up a direct debit or do one off donations. Please remember to complete the Gift Aid option to boost your donation.