Science club at Abbey Gate College is for pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 and students carry out experiments and scientific investigations that are not only interesting and educational but also fun. Each session has a maximum of 15 pupils to ensure that everyone has chance to experience the activities.
Science club is a fantastic opportunity to share scientific theories with young keen scientists and to let them experience the activity for themselves and to watch others and ask questions. There is a real buzz in the laboratory as they see the activity or experiment unfold and a real sense of achievement when they see the scientific principal in action. Science club should spark interest and enthusiasm for an exciting and ‘hands on’ subject where the pupils’ imagination can run wild as they investigate and experiment!
Activities include making bath bombs, science in a pop bottle (which included making a tornado), Cartesian divers, homemade lava lamps and crystal gardens. When the weather permits the club ventures outside and launch various types of rockets powered by chemicals, water or compressed air. In summer a trip to the Infant and Junior School in Aldford to try ‘pond dipping’ is very popular. The various Science clubs are enthusiastically supported by Sixth Form and technician help.
The enthusiasm from the pupils is contagious and it inspires the department to plan exciting challenges for them as they are the next generation of scientists.